
How long will my refund take?

When the refund has been processed, we'll notify you when you request a return to your original payment method. As soon as it is processed, the money leaves Taskhelper and moves from our company to your bank and ultimately to you.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

I want my money returned to my card, what should I do?

Please let us know if you want your payment returned to your card or another method of payment. Just reply to the cancellation email or send us a message with the task URL.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

What happens to my funds when the task gets cancelled?

When the refund has been processed, we'll notify you when you request a return to your original payment method. As soon as it is processed, the money leaves Taskhelper and starts its journey from our company to your bank and ultimately to you.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

Helper Cancellations

I'm a Helper, can I withdraw my cancellation request?

Have you changed your mind and still want to proceed with the task? Within 48 hours of submitting your request, you can withdraw it.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

I'm a Helper, I don’t agree with the cancellation reason, what should I do?

When you receive the notification of the cancellation, you can accept or reject the reason the other party provided. If you don't agree with the justification, you will have the chance to let us know what you think the explanation should be.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

The customer wants to cancel the task but I’ve completed it, what should I do?

You may be eligible for compensation for your time and effort if you've started working on the task (partially completed) or believe you've finished it.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

I’m a Helper, the poster wants to cancel the task, what should I do?

You will receive a notification with a cancellation request when the poster decides to cancel the task.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

I’m a Helper, how does cancelling task affect my profile?

In cases where it is determined that you are the cause of the cancellation, your completion rate will be impacted. Your completion rate won't be affected by the cancellation, though, if you weren't the cause.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago
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Poster Cancellations

How do I cancel my task?

You may at some point encounter issues which might make you want to stop the task. Should you want to cancel a task, we recommend finding other ways to have it completed.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

What should I do if someone wants to cancel for a cash payment?

It might be that, for some reason, someone may want to cancel the task in favour of a cash payment. However, we highly recommend against this, and we suggest keeping all activity on this platform as this favour could relate to fraudulent activity.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

My task was cancelled, can I reassign my task to someone else?

You won't be able to select a different Helper to complete the task after you've already assigned one.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

Can I withdraw my cancellation request?

Have you changed your mind and require no need to cancel anymore? Within 48 hours of submitting your request, you can withdraw it

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

I don’t agree with the cancellation reason, what should I do?

When you are informed of the cancellation, you can accept or reject the justification they provide. If you don't agree with their reason, you can let Taskhelper know what you think.

Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago
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