Reviews and Ratings
Completion Rate
What are completion rates?
Your reliability and commitment to tasks can be evaluated by your completion rate.
What is the difference between the Star Rating & Completion Rate?
On Taskhelper, a member's track record may be determined by looking at their star ratings, reviews, and completion rates.
Can I change my review?
Reviews that have already been published cannot be changed. However, user can ask for their review to be looked at if they decide to have it deleted.
What are the Taskhelper Review Guidelines?
Taskhelper will intervene and delete reviews if they are not in line with our review policy.
What should I include in a review?
Well-written reviews offer helpful feedback on your experience, whether you've completed or posted a task.
How do I leave a review?
You can leave a review by following the steps provided in this article.
How do reviews work?
Reviews increase trust in our platform by offering members a simple, trustworthy tool to know what can be expected from one another.