Reviews are crucial to establishing trust and openness on Taskhelper since they serve as a fantastic resource for the rest of the community.
Following the completion of a task and payment release, you can leave a review by doing the following:
- Go into your Taskhelper account
- Navigate to My Tasks
- Choose the task
You will then see this:
Reviews are only publicly disclosed once both parties have provided feedback by leaving a review. We advise that each member submit a review as soon as the task is completed and payment is released. If both reviews are submitted, we will immediately post both. No matter how many users have left a review or not, all reviews will become public after 2 weeks.
The user who didn't submit a review will no longer be allowed to do so after the 2 weeks have passed.
You must provide a fair and honest review of your experiences. In this manner, everyone can gain a genuine impression before choosing to work with someone.
Please remember that our review guidelines must be followed. A review will be deleted if it is deemed to have violated these guidelines.