The customer hasn't released payment yet, what do I do?

In this article, we will explain what you should do if you have completed a task, but the Poster hasn't released the payment.
Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 1 year ago

This article will explain what you should do if you have completed a task but the Poster hasn't released the payment. Follow these steps if you find yourself in this situation:

  1. If you haven't already, mark the task as "complete." To do this, click the option that says "Request payment." Consider that Posters cannot release the money until a task is completed.
  2. Send the customer a private message to let them know you've finished the task and inquire about their satisfaction. Please be kind and professional when you do this.

    It would be good to send a message with proof of completion.

  3. Should you still not have received a reply or payment after 48 hours, we recommend contacting us so we can help.

These are the steps that we take to help you:

Please note: We can only assist you with your outstanding payment if the three steps above have been followed. 

  1. The task will be subjected to various inspections by our Support Team. The task title, description, status, correspondence between the two members, and other things might be verified as part of these checks—this aids in our comprehension of what occurred during the task.
  2. The Support Team will contact the Poster on your behalf when the necessary checks are finished. This is accomplished over four days (exact timing may vary). The Poster now has the chance to ask questions regarding the task or the release of funds.
  3. We can assist with our dispute procedure if the Poster has a problem with the task. If not, we can release the payment.

The payment will be released if any of these situations occur:

  • The customer releases payment, and the task is closed
  • The Poster requests that the support team release the task on their behalf after verifying that it has been completed.
  • After four days, the Support Team decides that the task has been completed because they have not received any contact (timeframe may vary). After that, they can release the funds on the client's behalf.

If the Poster disputes whether the task was completed, the payment could not be released. Depending on the Poster's complaints, the Support Team will look into the situation and offer support for the next step, which might be using Taskhelper's dispute process.


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