Is there anything I should watch out for when making offers on tasks?

On Taskhelper, we take the marketplace's trust and reliability extremely seriously. Our staff makes every effort to prevent bad actors and get in touch with any members who were affected by their conduct as quickly as possible.
Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 1 year ago

On Taskhelper, we take the marketplace's trust and reliability extremely seriously. Our staff makes every effort to prevent bad actors and get in touch with any members who were affected by their conduct as quickly as possible.

It is equally crucial, however, that all members of our community be kept well-informed about any potential fraud on our platform. Everyone on Taskhelper will stay protected as long as they are aware of any threats and report them.

We suggest you keep an eye out for any suspicious activity while making offers on projects and to report it to us so we can look into it further. You may report something by flagging a task or a comment.

These are some examples of what could be a potentially suspicious activity you should report:

  • When the value for a simple task is suspiciously high (for example, €200 to show up somewhere at night without any more details).
  • You should be careful of delivery tasks where Helpers need to use purchase something using their own funds.
  • Feeling of urgency (e.g. "I need this done NOW").  Scammers want the transaction to be done as soon as possible so that we can't investigate them.
  • Unusual times for tasks to be done. (For example, a delivery task in the middle of the night).
  • Collecting a purchased item (e.g. Pick up a new television from a retailer and deliver it somewhere else)
  • Sending parcels or mail (e.g. Picking up a package and sending it on with the help of a delivery service)
  • Requests for you to sell products using your own account on another online platform

Before undertaking the task, don't be afraid to ask the Poster for clarification if something doesn't seem right.

All reports of odd tasks or anything else that seems off are appreciated. You may reach out to us anytime here, and our team will look into it.

Our goal is to make Taskhelper safe for all of our users and prevent fraud from being committed on our platform by cyber criminals.

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