As a customer, how can I help make sure my task goes well?

We love nothing more than when everything works out perfectly. In this article you can find a list of pointers to ensure you task goes well.
Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 1 year ago

We love nothing more than when everything works out perfectly. In this article you can find a list of pointers to ensure you task goes well.

Make sure to write a detailed task description 

A thorough and comprehensive task description is crucial since it informs Helpers of your expectations, ensuring that you and your Helper are on the same page from the beginning. Additionally, it means that Helpers will be ready to start working on your project right away by showing up with the necessary tools and supplies. For more information about how to write a good task description, go here.

Don't be afraid to ask questions

Whether you have or haven't still assigned your task, make sure that you ask the Helper all the questions you need to have answered. This ensures that you and your Helper are on the same page from the beginning, and will benefit the execution of the task. When picking a Helper, take into account whether they have answered your questions well.

Please ask

  • Questions such as “What tools will you bring?”
  • To have a look at samples of their work and ask if there are any additional costs (Such as materials)

Please don’t ask

  • For their contact information, if you haven't assigned them the task. Try to keep everything on Taskhelper, or we won't be able to help you if something goes wrong.

Pick the right Helper for your task

You might get multiple offers after you post a task. We know that it can be difficult to assess who could be an ideal Helper for what you need done. 

Please do

  • Have a look at their profile and see if they have the necessary experience for your task.
  • Make sure to read their previous reviews.
  • Have a look at their completion rate.

Please don’t

  • Assign a Helper without having asked them questions such as “do you have experience with this kind of work?”
  • Pick a Helper if you don’t think he/she is suited for the task.

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