How to write a good task description

A thorough and comprehensive task description is crucial since it informs Helpers of your expectations, ensuring that you and your Helper are on the same page from the beginning.
Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

A thorough and comprehensive task description is crucial since it informs Helpers of your expectations, ensuring that you and your Helper are on the same page from the beginning. Additionally, it means that Helpers will be ready to start working on your project right away by showing up with the necessary tools and supplies.

A good task description need:

  • All the specifics of what must be done in full detail
  • A task price that includes all expenses related to the task's completion
  • Additional details such as pictures, specifications, product codes, if you will provide materials or not, etc.

Additionally, keep in mind to frequently check the comments on your task and respond to any questions Helpers may have.

Here are 2 examples, one is a good task description and one is a mediocre task description:

Good: I need someone to build my bed. The bed is a king size bed (220x180cm). I have all the tools you'll need at home and will send you the instructions so you can prepare.

I am usually not free from Mondays to Fridays, so I would appreciate someone coming to help me any weekend before the 17th of October.

Bad: Build my bed.

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