What should I put in my profile?

It's crucial to have a thorough Taskhelper profile since it fosters community trust and openness. A thorough profile will increase the likelihood that Posters will wish to assign you if you are a Helper.
Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

It's crucial to have a thorough Taskhelper profile since it fosters community trust and openness. A thorough profile will increase the likelihood that Posters will wish to assign you if you are a Helper. You will receive more offers from the platform if you post.

Your profile has 4 editable sections that you may add to:

  1. Profile and header pictures: Images not only liven up your profile, but they also help members get to know you better and feel more comfortable working with you. It helps to have images that link you and your talents. See here for further details.
  2. Portfolio and skills: this section contains a list of your talents as well as any samples of your prior work. You can add images showcasing your work in our portfolio section. 
  3. Badges: these serve as optional indicators that you have successfully completed particular checks. Depending on the licenses you possess, you could qualify for a variety of badges.
  4. Biography: In this open-ended text section, you may integrate all the other elements of your profile together to describe who you are. Additionally, it's a good opportunity to express your personality and why that may make you a pleasure to work with.

Keep in mind that you have a responsibility to adhere to our Community Standards at all times. Please avoid providing personal data, such as full names, company information, contact information, or business names, since we don't allow it. Any profile that has provided unsubstantiated information will be moderated by us.

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