How do I update my skills?

Simply log in, navigate to the Settings page of your profile settings, and then choose Skills to review or edit your skills.  Add or modify the data and then choose Save.
Written by Vas Bonel
Updated 2 years ago

Simply log in, navigate to the Account settings page of your account settings, and then click on profile followed by Skills to review or edit your skills. Next, add or modify the data and then select Save

You may also access your public profile and click the edit icons to modify the information. Make sure to click Save after you're done modifying.

You may add or modify various topics to showcase your talents in the skills section. For example, you can highlight your skills, professional background, educational background, and language proficiency.

Building trust and openness in the community is facilitated by creating a thorough profile that includes a bio and skillset. It also increases your likelihood of getting assigned if you're a Helper.

See our list of articles here for assistance with upgrading various aspects of your profile.

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